graphenecommon.amount module

class graphenecommon.amount.Amount(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: dict, graphenecommon.instance.AbstractBlockchainInstanceProvider

This class deals with Amounts of any asset to simplify dealing with the tuple:

(amount, asset)
  • args (list) – Allows to deal with different representations of an amount
  • amount (float) – Let’s create an instance with a specific amount
  • asset (str) – Let’s you create an instance with a specific asset (symbol)
  • blockchain_instance (instance) – instance to use when accesing a RPC

All data required to represent an Amount/Asset

Return type:



ValueError – if the data provided is not recognized

from peerplays.amount import Amount
from peerplays.asset import Asset
a = Amount("1 USD")
b = Amount(1, "USD")
c = Amount("20", self.asset_class("USD"))
a + b
a * 2
a += b
a /= 2.0

Way to obtain a proper instance:

  • args can be a string, e.g.: “1 USD”
  • args can be a dictionary containing amount and asset_id
  • args can be a dictionary containing amount and asset
  • args can be a list of a float and str (symbol)
  • args can be a list of a float and a asset.Asset
  • amount and asset are defined manually

An instance is a dictionary and comes with the following keys:

  • amount (float)
  • symbol (str)
  • asset (instance of asset.Asset)

Instances of this class can be used in regular mathematical expressions (+-*/%) such as:

Amount("1 USD") * 2
Amount("15 GOLD") + Amount("0.5 GOLD")

Returns the amount as float


Returns the asset as instance of asset.Asset


Copy the instance and make sure not to use a reference


Returns the symbol of the asset
